Blog > Tips to Keep Your Home Cleaned During Lockdown


Tips to Keep Your Home Cleaned During Lockdown


- Make the bed as soon as you get up.
- Wipe your bedside table each morning.
- Edit your closet as you go. Keep a hamper or bag in your closet where you can throw items of clothing that don’t work anymore as you’re getting ready in the morning. Sort through it once a month, and toss, donate, or sell.
- Immediately rehang items you wore. Don’t just throw clothes on a chair if they can be worn once more before laundry day—hang them. Keep dry clean–ready items in a separate section of your closet.
- If you have enough laundry, start a wash cycle first thing in the evenings. Keep a folding area near your washer/dryer, and be ruthless about folding/ironing as soon as the drying cycle is done.


- Spray your shower with cleaner after each shower.
- Hang towels on bars and robes on hooks. Your towels need to properly air-dry in order to be able to reuse them two to three times.
- Clear your countertops of clutter. We get it; mornings get busy. Make a point at night to clear out and put away every product that was used to get ready in the morning.


- Empty the dishwasher so they don’t pile up in the sink and sit there all day.
- Swap out your dish towel. It turns out that dish towels should be changed more often than we think.
- Wipe countertops and cooking surfaces. Wipe down your counters and stove each night before you go to bed. Get into the habit of wiping the microwave after each use. You’ll love waking up to a spotless kitchen.

Living Room

- Keep baskets in every room. Once a day, do a quick walk-through of each space. Fill up your basket with accumulated clutter, and leave it by the door. Put each item back in its place first thing when you get home.
- Wipe down your coffee table and side tables.
- Fluff your pillows after each use.

Cleaning Schedule

- Monday:
Tackle the laundry at the beginning of the week.
- Tuesday:
Give the bathrooms in your house a once over and deep clean. - Wednesday: Clean the living room from top to bottom, including vacuuming, dusting, and de-cluttering. - Thursday: Focus on the bedrooms. Change the sheets, tidy up & clean. Friday: - Make sure the kitchen is in order. Mop the floors and sanitize the countertops as needed. Check to make sure the trash and recycling aren't overflowing. Throw out any food that's no longer fresh. Saturday and Sunday: - Take it easy and give yourself a weekend free from chores. You earned it!


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